Tuesday, August 24, 2010

end of summer

These last three weeks before school have been insanely busy. After getting home from our visit to Mimi's, we only had a few days to unpack, do laundry, then repack for a trip to Atlanta. I found myself savoring every moment with the kids while Ella was still underfoot all day, knowing that her start to kindergarten would mean a whole new chapter in our lives where I don't have a little buddy for every task I undertake. *sniff*

One afternoon, in the midst of laundry, the kids requested a tea party for their lunchtime. Why not? You only live once, right? So I brought them a fancy tray of tidbits that they shared in Ella's room.

Our trip to Atlanta coincided with Ella's sixth birthday. Seems we celebrated it every night of the week, starting with a trip to Chuck E. Cheese. We hadn't taken our kids there before (except Ella when she was under a year so she doesn't remember.) They went absolutely gaga for the place and we had lots of fun. The pizza was nasty, but they didn't care because they had soda and cotton candy. The best part was when the guy dressed up as Chuck came over to the table in his big mouse suit. My little sister Keely is creeped out by the guy in the suit and has been known to hide under the table when he is present. Simon assured her that Chuck E. was nice and "happy."

Carousel ride at Chuck E. Cheese
On Ella's actual birthday, my step mom, Cimi, went to an awful lot of trouble to decorate and make the morning special. My dad and brother, Ty, went out the night before (actually 2 a.m. the day OF) to get lots of cool balloons. Anyway, she felt quite special when she came downstairs and saw all the fuss made over her.

After breakfast and opening of presents, we got ready and headed out to the Atlanta Aquarium. What an experience that was! It was incredible. The kids loved petting the stingrays, playing on the indoor pirate ship and slides and seeing all kinds of crazy water life like sharks up close and personal.

Keely and Ella
My favorite part was the tunnel surrounded by all kinds of amazing creatures!
Josie's favorite part of the whole experience was this:

These banks of screens surrounded the whole main atrium. The colors shifted and changed and she was mesmerized. She also rather enjoyed this:

A vibrating, spinny ball of light thanks to Grampy
When we got back home, we had steak and all kinds of trimmings and topped it all off with birthday cake. I can't believe my little Ella is SIX!

Then, it was time to pack up and head back home...a very sad ending to a wonderful visit. Keely was so sweet with the kids and entertained them non stop the whole time we were there. I was impressed with her patience and generosity. She had activities for them to do and had put all kinds of planning into making things fun for them, including creating a "box of mystery" where each day they got to choose a prize out of a decorated box while wearing a blindfold. Keep in mind she's nine years old. How amazing is she? Needless to say, there were tears on the first leg of the journey back...goodbye is never easy.

Keely and Josie

Can you believe she's only 9? She's amazing.

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