Wednesday, August 25, 2010

the top ten

This is what I'm loving right now:

1. Kissing the back of Josie's neck. It's so soft.
2. Kissing underneath Josie's chin. It's so squishy!
3. Simon's big boy haircut.
4. Being first in line to pick Ella up at school.
5. Hearing Simon "read" The Little Pony Engine. He knows it by heart and I love how he recites it!
6. Making special notes for Ella's lunch every day. She has come to expect it now and loves when I cover the notes with drawings.
7. Ella's new bunkbed. It has a canopy on the top bunk with the night sky on it. Simon wants to sleep in the bottom bunk so badly that we've designated non-school nights "family nights" where he can sleep in Ella's room.
8. Seeing how Ella has already learned a lot in only one week of kindergarten. Her writing has already improved greatly!
9. Standing in awe of Josie and her determination to get mobile. She's not only crawling, rolling, and sitting like a pro, she's pulling up and standing in her crib and against the couch! She's only just turned seven months for pete's sake!
10. The sound of Ella's giggle. She loves to giggle. And I wish I had it recorded. It makes my heart warm.

+11. (just for grins) Morning cups of coffee. I can't seem to get enough. I'll get this new rhythm of school life worked out soon. Till then, there's just not enough coffee.

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