Sunday, August 24, 2008

gobbling fish

Ok, so this entry is really more of an excuse to post this humorous moment I captured of Ella at the zoo the other day. As noted in the earlier post, we were in the herpetarium with the fish and lizards and such and I caught her "gobbling" at the fish. And so the hilarity ensues...enjoy...

's' is for snake

We took a trip to the zoo last week for our family day on Bryan's day off and we had loads of fun! The highlight of the excursion was visiting the herpetarium near the end of the journey. This is the building where all the snakes, lizards, fish and turtles live. Simon is 20 months now and still only has a handful of words though his understanding is pretty vast. His speech is funny though because he acts like he's really telling us something but everything comes out sounding like a bunch of s'es ("sssssss" or "thsssssss"). This actually ended up working for his favor in the herpetarium as you will see in the following video.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

my little nudist

If you've ever stayed at our house, you've noticed that Simon rarely wears clothes. There are a number of reasons for this:
  1. He fills his diapers so quickly, we can hardly keep up with the turnover. Keeping the clothing off reduces the number of steps needed to keep the diaper fresh.
  2. He moves too quickly to get clothing on his legs. This is why oftentimes you will find him with a shirt on, but rarely pants. If you see him with a shirt on, congratulate us on a productive day!
  3. He loves to be naked. It's a man thing.

Here's a little video of Simon playing on the couch. Take note that he is wearing the uniform.

* Disclaimer *
I know it is bad parenting to let a child climb on the coffee table, but we have too much fun playing this game. I promise to keep him off your coffee table if we're ever visiting.

not so hot mama

Ella really dislikes it when I wear my hair in a pony tail. In fact, I can rarely sneak one by her without her requesting that I take it down. Today was one of those days where I didn't get a shower right away and up went the hair in a pony tail. Soon after, here is the conversation that occurred:
Ella: Mommmmeeeey! Please take your hair down! I don't like it when you wear your hair in a pony tail.

Me: But Ella, it feels good to have my hair up off of my neck.

Ella: But I don't like it that way! Please take it down!

Me: Maybe in a little while, Ella. Right now, I need it up.

Ella: Maybe you could put on a little lipstick to make it better?

HA! I remember having these same thoughts and observations about my own mother as a kid! I thought, "How could someone look so completely different with make up on vs. make up off?" I thought my mom looked so beautiful with her makeup and so different without it. Fortunately, when I asked Ella if she thought I wasn't pretty without my makeup, she wouldn't take the bait and didn't answer. And if I felt insecure at all about this, she evened herself out by telling my I was beautiful in my new night gown last night. Gotta love the honesty, right?
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