Tuesday, November 25, 2008

best friends

Ella: Mommy, you're my best, best friend. I said that two times because I love you soooooooo much!

Isn't she the best?

Monday, November 24, 2008

the big switcheroo

Bryan's sister Michele is expecting twins so we've been sorting through all sorts of toys, clothes, books, etc. trying to pare things down to pass off to our new cousins. We got a big boy bed handed down to us from our good friend Ewan and we moved it to our place over the weekend. Since we're too lazy to store the bed in the basement and knew we'd be handing Simon's crib off to Michele, we decided to take the plunge and do the switch. Big milestones like this one usually take some planning in our house. I get the idea in my mind and then set a time frame in which I want to accomplish the goal. But this was more of a spontaneous decision. We didn't have Ella in her twin size bed till she was almost three! The only bad thing was, Simon has been really sick and our timing couldn't have been worse. The first three times we laid him down for bed, he snuck out over and over and over! And then, when he'd hear Bryan making his way up the stairs, he'd scurry back and snuggle down in the covers as if he hadn't been found out. But today, Simon is beginning to feel better and I'm so proud! He laid right down for his nap and didn't budge. I'm excited about the big boy bed. Even though it means he's not a baby any longer. *sniff* Gets me thinking...another baby soon? Hmmmmm....

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

catching up with Si-Mo

So, I haven't really kept up on my blog in the last few months. Life has been a sort of roller coaster as of late. But I just had to write a little something about my boy. Simon is nearing two (his birthday is in less than a month now) and he's been changing in the most wonderful ways. Not only does he look like a little boy now with his strong little physique and confidant swagger, he's really growing intellectually and emotionally. I love the way his blond hair is filling in and has a bit of a swoopy curl at the nape of his neck and I love his giggles! He loves to be tossed around and roughed up and tickled and teased (unless it's his sister of course!) He's quite a snuggler too and is still quick with a kiss. He is a bit of a loner sometimes...loves being with others and is the life of the party, but is content to wander off and play alone in his room. He's becoming good with puzzles and loves to pretend to write his name with a pen. He has favorite movies that he's constantly pulling out of the drawer and requests that they be played immediately although he never seems to sit through more than 15-20 minutes. His favorites right now are Peter Pan, Jungle Book, and Ella's Dora Adventures. He's saying a few more words now...At the park a couple of weeks ago, I had sat the kids by a tree to take their photo. I prompted them with the typical "Say Cheeeese!" And he said it! Clear as a bell! He also says "please", "yes" and "no" very clearly.

This is the moment where he said "CHEEEESE!"
Unfortunately, he didn't get that he was supposed
to be looking at me when he said it!

Simon has always been pretty coordinated and more physically adept. He loves jumping and will go from one end of the house to the other, hopping like a kangaroo. He goes up and down the stairs unassisted, still not using the handrail as he's been doing for several months now. Up until today, that was working out ok. But he feel head over feet down the stairs this morning! Scared the pudding out of me, but he dusted himself off and went right back to his old ways. That boy is a daredevil. Oh, but he's sweet one. Sweetest smile in town.

the key to her heart

Ella is four now. And she's all about communication. And emotion. Sometimes, the emotion cancels out the communication or skews the communication in such a way that I completely misunderstand my little girl and what motivates her. There have been points in the last several weeks where I've stopped short in the midst of an exchange with her feeling completely at a loss, thinking, "I seriously have no clue where to go from here." So over the last few days, I have been chewing on this thought: What is the key to opening Ella's heart? In the midst of anger or hurt, how do I get through to her? What breaks down the wall? I know what the key ISN'T...that's an easy one. What doesn't work is hugs or kisses. Sometimes she's just not in the mood for that. I know it's not spankings or stern words. That works for a second, but it doesn't really stick and we're back in the same predicament within ten minutes. What I am discovering about my dear Ella is that she is a quality time, connecting kind of person. When I spend lots of time engaged in her sweet games, reading books together, giggling and telling silly stories, she thrives. So with Ella, I'm thinking that its not about getting the key out once the lock is locked, it's about keeping the lock from closing. I'm doing my best dear one. Don't give up on me!
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