Sunday, July 26, 2009

cold feet

Ella is due to begin preschool in a few short weeks. As I posted earlier in the year, the school we were hoping for requires a lottery because the demand is high and the slots are few. She didn't get picked in the lottery for that school, so we ended up choosing another public school close by that has a very part time magnet program (1 hour per week). As much as I have felt she will do well in a school setting, I have found myself hesitant about the amount of time for such an early school experience. The school day is long, from 9:10-4:10 which would mean Ella wouldn't arrive home until nearly 4:30. Some questions I've been grappling with are:
1. If this season of my life is centered around staying home to look after my children, would Ella be better served in being home with me while she is still able?

2. Would she grow more intellectually and emotionally being at home with Mommy, brother and a new sibling on the way rather than in a classroom 35+ hours a week that may only be a glorified play group?

3. With Ella being so ready to read, would she be taught at the preschool level, or would she be more likely to begin reading if I began some structured phonics and reading study with her at home?

4. Would it be ultimately better for our family unit if she was a part of the daily routine and adjustment of welcoming a new sibling?
(I am confident she will be a huge help in playing with Simon while I am in the midst of newborn care.)

5. Is there any need to rush her off to school or is waiting for kindergarten (after just turning 6) waiting too long and ultimately detrimental to her social development?
As you can see, this is not an easy decision for me and most of all, I want to do what is best for her emotionally, intellectually and socially. I am searching for where the peace of mind lies and am in the midst of prayer about this. It's something I will need to decide on very soon! If you have any wisdom to share, please do! I'm open for insight from other Moms!

Friday, July 24, 2009

did i hear you correctly?

Simon has gotten increasingly verbal over the last couple of months and he truly takes us off guard with things he comes up with sometimes, just because it seems like it happened overnight. How I've waited to hear what's going through his mind and now it's all coming so clear. Today in the car I kept hearing him say the same phrase over and over and I wasn't paying much attention until I realized that he was saying "POO-head". I turned around and asked Ella, "What is he saying?" just to confirm my suspicions. (I was sincerely giving him the benefit of the doubt since he has a great deal of catching up to do as far as talking is concerned and I was reluctant to believe that "poo-head" would be one of the newest words in his blossoming vocabulary.) Unfortunately, Ella confirmed that I was hearing correctly. I sternly corrected Simon, trying very hard to be intimidating rather than burst out laughing. I told him that "poo-head" is not a nice name to call someone and we don't use that word and that if he continued to use the word, he would need to be punished. Not a moment later, Ella tattles that he has said the word again. I again correct him and give him a tap on the leg just to let him know he is on his way to punishment. (Driving in the car is not the ideal place to inflict punishment, however.) After I turned back around, I hear Ella whispering to him and realize that she is provoking him to say the word again so that he will get in trouble! I turn around to face the backseat once again and say in my intimidating, "Mom-is-about-to-throw-down" voice, "Ella, are you trying to get him in trouble??!" To which Simon extends his pointed finger in his sister's direction and says loudly, "ELLA DID IT!" And then we all melted in laughter. And so the sibling rivalry begins!
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