Sunday, March 14, 2010

making wishes

Often, rides in the car make room for the best conversations. Yesterday, we were on a short drive to a friend's house when Ella started thinking out loud. We talked a lot about Grandma Florence and how she is with Jesus. And how we are very glad she is with him. Also that her hair is probably not white anymore, but golden or auburn like it was when she was younger. And then, Ella began to talk about "wishing stars."
Ella: Mom, I've never gotten to see a wishing star!
(I then explained how falling stars are actually meteorites that just look like a star falling.)
If you saw a wishing star, Ella, what would you wish?
I would wish that I could see angels or God.
That kind of a wish is something you could pray and ask God for, sweetie.
I HAVE prayed for that one at night before, Mom, but it didn't work.
Sometimes we have to pray for the same thing over and over, Ella, and even then, it doesn't mean we'll always get what we want right away. God knows what's best for us ALL the time and that doesn't mean we get what we want just when we want it. But I know God will speak to you if you ask Him to.
But I've never heard God's voice.
God's voice doesn't sound like a regular voice. It's kind of like hearing a thought in your own head. But then at the same time, you feel it in your heart.
Ella: Ohhh...I think God just said something to me right now.
Me: Really? What was it?
Ella: (Smiling) He said, 'I love you, Ella.'
Me: Yeah, I think that sounds like Him.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Josie's getting CHUBBY! Check out those cheeks! She's ours for sure.
7 weeks old today.

Monday, March 1, 2010

schooling update

Great news! You may remember the struggle to make a decision for Ella's schooling in a former post. The latest news is that Ella was accepted at Kennard Classical Junior Academy, the magnet school we were praying she would be able to attend. She will start as a kindergartner there next year. We've also decided to send Simon to the 3-year old preschool class next year at Union, where Ella goes right now. He is very excited to start school just like his big sis. We celebrated Ella's acceptance with a special dinner + brownies and ice cream. She is feeling very special and we are feeling very relieved to have a semi-permanent decision made about Ella's education. Good news is, if Simon can pass his testing, he'll be almost guaranteed a slot at Kennard as well. I wish these decisions didn't have to be so complicated and that all city kids had access to a great, and free, education.
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