Monday, September 22, 2008

bloodsuckers hate hairy legs

Both of my kids get the most horrendous mosquito bites. Our outdoor adventures never last because we end up running back inside due to multiple expanding welts all over their poor little appendages! (Simon always ends up getting one right on his forehead, the little buggers.) So this afternoon, after having our morning outing to the front sidewalk end prematurely due to blood suckers, Ella requested to go in the back yard where her daddy was grilling.
Ella: I'm going to put my shoes on to go outside with Daddy.
Me: No, Ella. There are bad mosquitoes out there and you already got eaten up once today.
Ella: Oh yeah. (Then reasoning it out sort of to herself...) If I go outside, I get mosquito bites. But Daddy doesn't. Daddy can go outside and he doesn't get mosquito bites because he has hair on him.
Somehow, it kind of makes sense, doesn't it?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

lip service

Simon has only a handful of words and a couple of animal sounds (he would make a great snake as previously posted here, and his cat meow is impeccable) but he loves to lip sync! And he does it with flair and attitude. I find this phase incredibly enjoyable. I never get tired of watching him do this...

* Featuring: The Monkees: "I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone" from "The Monkees Greatest Hits".
This album has great significance in that it gets blared whenever Simon throws a fit about being strapped into his car seat. This particular video however was filmed under no duress. No toddlers were harmed during the filming of this production.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

little drummer boy

Simon loves drums. He loves banging on things which I know is a definite boy thing, but I do think this boy has some God-given rhythm. And coordination. What he lacks in verbal skills, he makes up in movement and dexterity. Anyway, we just got back from a meeting at the church and, after meetings end, I always have a significant time of chasing the kids around, giving them their freedom while Bryan has conversations with various folks. What I find the most challenging during these times is keeping Simon away from the drum kit. He so wants to play those drums! And I can't allow it because, just being the preacher's kid doesn't mean you can do whatever you want in the church building. When I told him 'no' this time, he tried a couple more times, but then finally settled for a pair of drum sticks he found laying off to the side and began tapping on various things. So, I thought I'd go ahead and mark this down as a possible future talent and see what may come. And, I'll throw in a video just for good measure. This video was taken just after he turned ONE.

Friday, September 12, 2008

ella on marriage

I'm not sure if it's from over-exposure to Disney films, fairy tale stories, or what, but Ella has had an awareness of marriage for quite a while now. When she was just over three years old, she was in our bedroom looking at the flowers on the table by our bed. Her daddy was resting on the bed with her when she asked if the flowers came from my wedding. This sparked a conversation about marriage with her father.
Dad: Ella, do you know who Mommy's husband is?
Ella: No.
Dad: I'm your mommy's husband, Ella.
Ella thinks about this for a moment, and then as her thoughts shift, her face falls and her lip begins to quiver.
Ella: Daddy? Who is MY husband?
Dad: Ella, you are too little to have a husband. You're only three years old!
Ella: But what is his name? How will I know who he is?
Dad: When you are old enough, Daddy will tell you. (quite a funny notion...)
Ella: Well, when I meet my husband I will bring him to this house and he'll say 'hi!'
Dad: He'd better say more than that!
Shortly after this conversation, Ella decided that she was going to marry her daddy. This is a very sweet idea that makes Daddy feel very loved so we never tried to explain to her that that really wouldn't work out too well. Other people have tried to correct her on this notion asking things like, "If you marry your Daddy, who will be your mommy's husband?" She doesn't really have an answer to this question.

From that notion of marriage, she moved on to say that when she grew up she'd marry Simon and they would have their own house. I know later, this statement will give her the willies, but it's just so sweet to me to think that her understanding of being married is being with the men you love most in your life. To her, that's her Daddy and brother. I'm so happy that's the case for her.

This last week, her marital plans shifted. We have a young man living with us for nine months while he does an internship (called the Frontier Year Team) at our church. He's a great guy by the name of Elijah and he is so sweet with the kids. He's like an honorary older brother to them. The other day, we were playing music and the kids were dancing and Elijah was twirling Ella around. She loves this sort of thing and it really made an impression on her. That night as I was chatting with her after lights were out, she told me of her new wedding plans:
Ella: Mommy, when I get big, I want to marry Elijah.
Me: Don't you think he might be a little too old for you Ella? Wouldn't you like to marry someone more your own age?
Ella: Hmmmm....I have a good idea. How about when I get big, I'll marry Elliott!
Me: Well, he'll have to ask you first Ella. The boy asks the girl. Girls don't ask boys to get married.
Ella: (thinking) I have a good idea....When I get big, I'll say, 'I'll marry you Elliott.'
I don't think she quite got the concept of being asked...only that she wanted to make sure he knew she'd be willing. Funny girl. I think we might have to put away our princess movies for a while till this fascination dies down a bit...Girls will be girls I suppose. No use fighting it!
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