Wednesday, May 13, 2009

vintage treasure

I found a basement sale online this past week and was giddy at all the amazing vintage treasures. I bought this little beauty for Simon's room. It's an old piece of painted glass from a pinball machine, circa 1950(ish). So excited to hang this in his room!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

a note to ella: thunderstorms

Ella Dear,
There is a thunderstorm tonight. As I sat on the couch in the dim light with your daddy after you had already been tucked in your bed, I watched the flashes of light outside the window and wondered which rumble might wake you up. You are a heavy sleeper, but when there is a thunderstorm, it is sure to wake you. The thunder startles you when you are alone and you need a little snuggle and the comfort of your daddy or me to let you know you are safe. Once you finally awoke tonight as the storm moved in closer, I charged up the stairs at the sound of your whimper, and I must admit, I was happy you finally woke up because it gave me a chance to hold you close while you were sleepy and scratch your back which you are always willing to lie still for. You are my sweet girl and I love you. One day, you won't be afraid of thunderstorms might even get a little excited at the sound of one just like your mommy! But until then, I don't mind you waking up in the night for a little bit of snuggling. I don't mind one bit.

All my love,

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


I've been getting all kinds of creative urges and ideas over the last couple of months and have just felt all out inspired lately! I find myself noticing beauty in all kinds of objects and places and feeling a real urge to DO something. Life is crazy busy right now and I've got lots of design work going on, but I just had to do something with this creative compulsion! So I found these frames on clearance at tj maxx and liked the shape and detail...I've been wanting to do some silhouettes of the kids so here's what I came up with.

Nothing beats the sweet profile of little kids noses and lips! Now, if I just had a decent color of paint on the wall to do these little red beauties justice!

knock knock...what the HECK?

Ella loves telling knock knock jokes. I don't quite know where she picked it up from, but for her, the ultimate fun is telling a good knock knock joke. And now that Simon is really speaking more clearly, he has now started telling jokes too. Today's lunchtime was a solid fifteen minutes of knock knock joking.

Ella's jokes sound like this:
E: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
E: Refrigerator.
Me: Refrigerator who?
E: Cup.

Simon's are the same every time:
S: Not not.
Me: Who's there?
S: Boo.
Me: Boo who?
S: sshwhwshshsww whwhshshs..... (with a big grin and a giggle.)

In further news, we were playing in the back yard after dinner and Simon and Ella were happily digging in the sandbox together. It was a serene moment where they were engaged in a game together without fighting and I was contemplating the value of that sandbox and it's simple entertainment. All of a sudden I hear Ella say, "What the HECK??!" She sniffs her hands. "This sand smells like POOP!!"

I ran over to inspect the conditions, and, yes it's true, some foul animal has been using our sandbox as a litter box. And the worst thing about it is, I'll bet it's a possum. Ughhhhhh....Our serene moment came to a screeching halt and we all sanitized ourselves in the kitchen sink and promptly headed for a bath. A very gross way to end the evening.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

kids' faves

Some of the kids favorite things right now:

~ being chased around the house
~ pretending to do kung fu
~ tomato soup in a coffee mug with grilled cheese
~ visiting the three outside cats down the street (who are almost always sleeping and won't let us pet them)
~ pretending to BE kitty cats (lots of meowing and crawling around)
~ band aids (even if there is no blood present)
~ baths (Simon calls it "bots" and basically asks for one every time he poops...think it's time to potty train?)
~ watering anything outdoors, even if it's dead
~ rain boots

Just a handful of fun tidbits that make the days interesting.

How could I have possibly forgotten the most recurring favorite??
~ Gum. Gum. And more gum. Or as Simon requests all day long: "Mo num pees" (More gum, please)
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