Friday, April 17, 2009

beach babes

Well, we can say we've done it. We've loaded our kids up in a van and driven all the way to Florida! It was my dad's birthday celebration (his 60th) and the whole family traveled down to St. George Island, Florida for a week together in a beautiful, three story, beach front home with a private pool and a deck on every level! (Sounds pretty snazzy, right?! Thanks to my step mamma who did most the work to make it happen!)

After our last trip down south, I told Bryan I didn't think I'd be able to make a drive like that until Simon was at least five. Ha. That was only a year ago! Our children AMAZED and DAZZLED us with their patience and understanding of what we were out to accomplish, and with a few special snacks, some new movies and comfy pillows, they made the trip without a hitch. (We did have a goody bag full of wrapped gifts to break up the monotony if a meltdown loomed. I highly recommend this tactic. It's amazing how intriguing a one dollar coloring book can be when its hidden under wrapping paper!)

Here is a pic of Simon and Ella breaking the law by resting, er, watching Kung Fu Panda, outside their cars seats (hey, we all survived road trips this way, right?)

We had such a great time with the family and made memories that will last us forever.

bicycle breakthrough!

I've been searching for the perfect trike for Simon on craigslist, and, lo and behold, I finally found it! It's a rockin' retro style schwinn trike, cherry red with real wood and leather details! And it even has a working bell on the handle bars! He's pretty proud of the thing and whenever sis tries to ride it, or even perch on the back, he protests. We took it out for a ride today on our front sidewalk. He was into it as long as I pushed him along. He's not so cool with peddling himself. But knowing him, he'll get the hang of it and be off in no time!

In related news, we took Ella out on her bike today for the first time this season. She received a new bike for her birthday last August (she complained that it was pink and not red...but that's a whole different story). She's always been excited about the bike, in theory, (I think it's because of the accessories...knee and elbow pads and a matching Barbie helmet) but after a couple of minutes of trying to ride, she wants to quit. She's not been able to figure out how to slow the bike down or make it stop and that has really intimidated her. Well folks, today was the day for breakthrough!! All of a sudden, she just caught on! And the fear is gone. She was up and down the sidewalk like a pro. Yipee for her!

time for a haircut

I am late in posting, but wanted to make note that Simon has had his first official haircut! We were loving his sweet blond locks and didn't mind them growing a bit long. In fact, I was hesitant to cut it because it seemed like he didn't have a whole lot to spare. It was getting to the point, though, that the locks that laid in soft, sweet curls at the nape of his neck straight after a bath were turning into a stringy long mullet that didn't do his good looks justice! So, we opted for the haircut. Movie in the dvd player, perched on a high stool, he was fantastic at sitting through the haircutting process! And now he looks so grown up! Here is a before and after for you:

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