Tuesday, April 27, 2010

little sport

The latest fun is playing baseball in the back yard. Simon had an inflatable bat with a big inflatable baseball but it won't hold air since it's been mostly used for whacking each other on the head. So I got him a big hard plastic bat and Bryan has been taking him out back to play. Both kids are wild about this activity right now! Now if it would stop raining long enough to play in the back yard again...

mini me

Ella is such a mommy. She is genuinely interested in helping with her little sister and is constantly holding her and wanting to pack her around. She plays games with Josie, gathers up toys just for her, tickles her tummy and makes her coo, and entertains her while I cook dinner. Josie is one lucky little sister.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

the windy city

We took a short family vacation to Chicago last weekend. Bryan was speaking at Destination Church and we decided it would be a good time to take advantage of the time away from home. We stayed in a great hotel and got an upgrade on our room so that the kids had one bedroom and we had another, both joined by a living room and eat-in kitchen. This is what happened when our two oldest shared a king-size bed:

And here's what happened when Cartoon Network was on:

And here's how babies must be bundled to walk the streets of downtown Chicago:

Here's how little boys drink milk in an Irish Pub, the latest in 3D Dinosaur movie fashion, and how Mowrey kids think it appropriate to pose by impressive dinosaur bones:

But the biggest hit of the trip was the indoor pool which was requested about every other ten minutes. We had such a great time together and as soon as we pulled up to our house, Simon protested, insisting we turn around and drive back to "Chitado." We'll probably do that again soon...

happy easter!

We had a very lovely Easter this year! After church, we had family over for lunch and it was wonderful to have Uncle John, Aunt Celina and Lauren in town. I filled plastic eggs with goodies and John hid them so the three kids could go hunting in our backyard. It was so fun for the grown ups to watch the kids search and we all tried very hard not to point out all the eggs and ruin the fun!

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