Monday, December 14, 2009

simon's 3rd birthday ~ waffles and kung fu

Simon turned three last Wednesday and we celebrated that morning with waffles and birthday candles. Bryan had to be away from home overnight that night so we planned his birthday party for the following Saturday. I'm 32 weeks pregnant now and promised myself I wouldn't go overboard with the planning of his party and would try to keep it small. But the night before, I stayed up till midnight hanging the Kung Fu Panda themed decor and straightening the house. When I finally hobbled to bed, I couldn't quiet my mind thinking of all the things I wanted to do to make the party special the following morning. I couldn't wait to hear his reaction when he walked in the kitchen and saw all the streamers and balloons but he beat me to it when morning arrived. I heard him downstairs begin to say hello to his daddy when he discovered the festive decor hung just for him. It went something like this, "Morning Da–ooooooo! Boootiful!" He was so pleased which made it all worthwhile for me.

In attendance was Mimi who made the trip up to celebrate as well as Grandma and Papa. Elliott Hunt and Jodi Hertz came and Elijah was there too. Amie Fox showed up just in time for some cupcakes and ice cream. The Vetter kids were supposed to be there as Elisha has become such a pal of Simon's but the girls have chicken pox and so they had to stay home. We missed them but the party was a real success. Simon and Ella had lots of play time with Elliott and then we had lunch (Simon's favorites: tomato soup and grilled cheese + veggies with ranch dip) and topped it all off with homemade chocolate cupcakes with chocolate cream cheese frosting and rocky road ice cream. We opened gifts and took lots of pictures. Simon got a really cool game from Elliott, a lego firetruck set from Grandma and Papa, and we got him a really cool remote controlled car with big rubber wheels that flips over when it runs into the wall.
It was a really nice birthday and Simon had a great time. I don't regret going overboard one bit! I love you Simon!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

shadow play

After reading books and singing songs with Simon at bedtime, we laid there side by side in his bed. He has a night light in his room that casts quite a glow and he pointed to the wall in front of us and said, "There's a monster on my wall!" In fact, it was just the outline of his dresser with some animal figurines on top, so I tried to dispel any fear by explaining to him what a shadow is. I began showing him my own shadow on the wall next to us by waving and making hopping little bunnies. He was so intrigued! He began waving too and then there was no more fear of monsters on the wall.

This morning when we got up for church, he came in my room as I was getting ready and asked me if I wanted to come see his shadow. Then I heard him in his room calling out repeatedly, "Shaaaaa-dooooww....where are you??" I told him to turn out his light and close the door and then he'd see it. A moment later, he came rushing back in to tell me, "Mommy! I found her!" The only curious thing is that his shadow is a girl!

Friday, December 4, 2009

cherished goodbye

A few weeks ago, the kids and I traveled up to northeast Missouri to visit my mom for a few days. While we were there, we stopped in to visit my Grandma Florence in the nursing home since we haven't seen her in nearly a year. Her health had been deteriorating and I was a bit stunned to see how much she had changed since the last time I had seen her. I was a little nervous to take the kids to see her as I wasn't sure if they would be frightened because she was so thin and not speaking. But they amazed me. Grandma was in a wheelchair and tried to speak, but was hard to hear or understand, but she kept reaching her hand out to touch Ella, almost like she was a dream. Instead of keeping her distance or being intimidated, Ella stayed near to her, held her hand, and showed her love and care. I couldn't help but cry. I was so proud of both the kids. Grandma has been so important to me and they have not had the chance to see her well. But they were unafraid. This time with her was irreplaceable. She passed away two weeks later on November 27, 2009.

I didn't take the kids with me to the funeral as I was concerned that they weren't old enough to process the idea that they could see someone they love one day and two weeks later they are gone. The funeral was a really lovely service and family gathered and celebrated her life. There was much love and honor given to her memory. When I got back home, I waited for the right time to tell Ella that Grandma Florence had gone to heaven to be with Jesus. I told her and she said, "Right now?! Already??" She seemed alarmed but I explained that Grandma had been sick for a long time and now that she was with Jesus, she was all healed and didn't have to be in a wheelchair and that she could talk all she wanted and even dance if she wanted to. Ella seemed relieved and said, "Ok." After a while, she added, "Mom, I can't wait till I'm really sick and Jesus can heal me." I wasn't quite sure how to respond, so I just let it be. She took the news rather well and I'm proud of her. I will never forget that last visit to the nursing home. As we walked out of the doors she held my hand and said, "Mommy, I love Grandma Florence and she loves me." It's true. I miss her already.
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