Saturday, June 28, 2008

first order of business upon growing up

To begin, I must tell you of a game that Bryan and I enjoy playing. It's called Carcassonne and it's a German game, sort of a strategy game where you build cities and roads and get points by acquiring the most farms. A little hard to explain, but fun. The "farmers" in the game are made of wood and are brightly colored and small and Ella always wants to play with them. Usually when we've got a game going, Ella wants to be right up where we're at and sometimes she messes the pieces up, but that's ok. She just wants to be involved in the fun.

Anyway, all that explanation is required so that tonight's bedtime conversation has meaning. After stories were read, back was scratched and all that, I was asking Ella some fun questions, like, "Am I your best friend?" I'm delighted that she says yes! And then I inquired about what she thought life would be like when she grows up. Here's the rundown:
Me: Ella, what would you like to do when you're a grown up?
Ella: Play Carcassonne!
Me: Really??!
Ella: Yeah. When I'm're already a grown up...and we can play Carcassonne and I'll be red and you can be yellow.
Me: Ok.
That sounds fun! This struck me so funny that this would be the first perk of being grown up. She also agrees that she will take on the grocery shopping, vaccumming, laundry, cooking, cleaning and other necessities. We can do it together. In the mean time, I am so loving watching her grow up!

1 comment:

Kari said...

Oh Rachael, I love what you have done with this blog. You are such a lovely mommy. I am encouraged and challenged by the attention you give Ella and the time you share talking and dreaming. I am motivated to do this better with Cana.

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