Wednesday, May 6, 2009

knock knock...what the HECK?

Ella loves telling knock knock jokes. I don't quite know where she picked it up from, but for her, the ultimate fun is telling a good knock knock joke. And now that Simon is really speaking more clearly, he has now started telling jokes too. Today's lunchtime was a solid fifteen minutes of knock knock joking.

Ella's jokes sound like this:
E: Knock knock.
Me: Who's there?
E: Refrigerator.
Me: Refrigerator who?
E: Cup.

Simon's are the same every time:
S: Not not.
Me: Who's there?
S: Boo.
Me: Boo who?
S: sshwhwshshsww whwhshshs..... (with a big grin and a giggle.)

In further news, we were playing in the back yard after dinner and Simon and Ella were happily digging in the sandbox together. It was a serene moment where they were engaged in a game together without fighting and I was contemplating the value of that sandbox and it's simple entertainment. All of a sudden I hear Ella say, "What the HECK??!" She sniffs her hands. "This sand smells like POOP!!"

I ran over to inspect the conditions, and, yes it's true, some foul animal has been using our sandbox as a litter box. And the worst thing about it is, I'll bet it's a possum. Ughhhhhh....Our serene moment came to a screeching halt and we all sanitized ourselves in the kitchen sink and promptly headed for a bath. A very gross way to end the evening.

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