Sunday, September 13, 2009

pretty great summary + new talent

We've started a new bedtime routine that relies heavily on Daddy since I will be having a newborn in the coming months and won't be able to do as much for the kids before bed. The new routine involves cuddling up in our big bed while Daddy reads a story from the kids' big picture bible and then tucking the kids in for the night. This morning, Simon asked me "Want me readju Bye-boo (Bible), Mamma?" I, of course, agreed and we snuggled up in the bed. He opens the Bible, licks his finger to turn the page and reads, "Dod (God.)" Licks finger, turns page and reads, "More Dod." I giggle and he asks, "Funnnny boy, Mamma?" Licks finger, turns page, "More Dod."

Yup. That's the jist of it. I think he's got a pretty good grasp on the Bible's premise!

In addition, his prayers at dinnertime sound very much the same. He INSISTS on being the one to pray every night and his prayers go like this: "Dod? Jesus? Friends. Ella. Simon. Mom. Dad. Amen."

In further (less holy) news, Simon loves to crack us up with his perfectly timed eye-crossing.


Renee Scott said...

How funny! Simon's prayers are really coming along! I remember him praying before when he didn't even form real words. What a sweet boy!

Unknown said...

this is far too cute!lil simo, i wish i could hear him speaking, he was getting there just as i left. man i miss that kiddie! love ya rach Xx

5onfaith said...

Too funny Rach! He is such a whimsical little guy!

Amie said...

Oh, luv it soo much! ...more Dod, please!

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