Wednesday, June 16, 2010

germ warfare

Today I asked Simon to take a bathroom break. I never quite know if he will be immediately compliant at this request or if it's going to take some convincing. I always expect some push back as he is just plain too busy to stop what he's doing to take care of potty issues. He's definitely not into preventative potty breaks and would rather go when he really means business. Today, however, he obeyed right away, but upon finishing up, he came out of the bathroom showing me both hands.

Simon: "Mommy, I didn't wash my hands." (Nose scrunched.)
Me: "Why not, buddy?"
Simon: "Tuz I don't have germs."
Me: "Yeah you do Simo. You just used the bathroom."
Simon: (Looking at hands) "But I don't see any germs."
Me: "Germs are invisible buddy. It's kind of like magic. You need to go back in and wash them off."
Simon: "Otay."

We heard the water running as he washed his hands. Then he called out, "Mommy! My germs are in the drain!"

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