Tuesday, May 13, 2008

attitude adjustment

Ella has definitely figured out that she has a will of her own. We've been pretty busy as of late and I've noticed that she has been voicing quite a lot of unwillingness when I ask her to do things like eat her breakfast or get ready for bed. Typical stuff. So I've been telling myself that when we slow down for a second, I really need to talk her through this so she understands why it's important to be obedient and respectful. A couple of days ago, I finally got my chance when she started to give me some push back on getting ready for a nap. Here's our conversation in a nutshell...
Me: Ella, I've noticed that in the last several days you've been complaining a lot when I ask you to do things and that's a bad attitude. Did you know that you have a choice to use a good attitude or a bad attitude?

Ella: Yeah.

Me: Bad attitudes are when you complain and throw a fit and they make other people feel bad and they make you feel bad. But good attitudes make people happy and make YOU happy too!

Ella: Yes, and did you know that if I have a bad attitude to other people, they will have a bad attitude to ME?

Me: Wow Ella! That is very true!!
I love it when she figures it out without me having to explain it to death!

1 comment:

jodihertz said...

she is one smart cookie!

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