Monday, September 22, 2008

bloodsuckers hate hairy legs

Both of my kids get the most horrendous mosquito bites. Our outdoor adventures never last because we end up running back inside due to multiple expanding welts all over their poor little appendages! (Simon always ends up getting one right on his forehead, the little buggers.) So this afternoon, after having our morning outing to the front sidewalk end prematurely due to blood suckers, Ella requested to go in the back yard where her daddy was grilling.
Ella: I'm going to put my shoes on to go outside with Daddy.
Me: No, Ella. There are bad mosquitoes out there and you already got eaten up once today.
Ella: Oh yeah. (Then reasoning it out sort of to herself...) If I go outside, I get mosquito bites. But Daddy doesn't. Daddy can go outside and he doesn't get mosquito bites because he has hair on him.
Somehow, it kind of makes sense, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Jenn said...

So if I let the hair on my legs grow, will i not get eaten alive? Scratch, scratch

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