Tuesday, May 18, 2010

writing and illustrating

Ella has been a little reader since, well, almost birth. (I may exaggerate slightly...) I remember her sitting with books as soon as she could sit up. For instance:

Since she can actually read now, she has taken a liking to penning her own stories. It all started when I found this amazing "create your own storybook" kit at target on clearance. (An amazing deal, I might add...normally $20, marked down to $3.50!)

She wrote and illustrated her own fairy tale in no time. Some days, she couldn't wait to get home from school to work on it.

But I prefer some of the handmade books she's been making lately.

This story reads:

One day, Ella's Mom got a cat for Ella. A dog can go "RRRRRR at a cat." I loved the cat. Thank you Mom for the cat. The Mom said, "I love the cat." Until the cat had babies.

I LOVE this story!


JenHahn said...

Too funny. And hilarious that you loved the cat until it had babies. I'm amazed that she can write and draw so well!

Rachel Mowrey said...

I know...pretty funny. She knows me too well. Always asking for a pet and I'm always saying no. Of course I would dislike a pet who multiplies!

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