Tuesday, August 31, 2010

going on 8 months + high chair makeover

Josie is changing so rapidly! Not only did she start crawling before she turned seven months, she hasn't reached eight months yet and she's decided it's fun to pull up on the furniture. *Gasp!* Her little body doesn't look like it's supposed to do that yet, but, dang is she strong! We had to move her crib mattress to the low position because she keeps standing up in there and hanging out like a little jail bird. She hasn't started cruising yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if she got that one on under her belt before her eight month birthday!

Here she is hanging at a the coffee table:

Sorry it's blurry! I rushed to snap the shot before she sat back down.
We've also noticed that she likes to watch tv. The other two kids didn't really seem interested in tv until they were around two. But she's definitely taking notice. Not good. Here she is losing interest in me and watching baseball or something:

Gotta love those luscious thighs!
See the owl onesie she's wearing? I adore it! It was a handmade gift by my good friend Betsy who had a little boy (Shepherd) a few weeks after Josie was born. I was so touched she made time to stitch me up a one of a kind beauty when she has her own kids to look after. That's just like her though.

Here is the other little project Betsy came through on:

What was supposed to be her helping me recover our old high chair turned into her completely doing the project for me! What a friend, right!? This high chair isn't very impressive, but it's functional and I didn't want to shell out any money for a new one. The old vinyl was so ugly, ragged, and dated (not in a good way.) I got some vintage oil cloth on Etsy for much less than I could get a new chair, even used. And now it has more life than your run-of-the-mill high chair. Thanks Betsy!!

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