Thursday, June 2, 2011

mommy date

I'm always the behind the scenes arranger of dates for our children. But I rarely actually get a date with any of them one on one. When Bryan took Simon on a camping trip a couple of weeks ago (must post about this trip at a later date), I seized the opportunity for some alone time with our eldest. Josie stayed with Elijah and Anna for a couple of hours and Ella and I went out just the two of us!

Ella requested a trip to get a new pair of earrings since she finished the six week waiting period so I took her to a department store to find a nice pair to switch to. We listened to music in the car on the way there and took some photos of ourselves for fun.

Can I just tell you what this photo means to me? Pure bliss. Daddy dates are important for sure, but I think this girl really needed a mommy date. She is always wanting to connect with me one on one and it's hard to meet that need all the time with many demands on my time and attention just to keep this ship sailing! But you can see it on her face. She is happy. And I relished the time alone with her just having fun.

After she picked out some lovely (half priced) silver butterfly earrings, we went out for gelato and chatted. We held hands everywhere we went and came home with full hearts!

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