Sunday, March 18, 2012

camping trip & date night

Spring hasn't even started and it's felt like summer the past week! I don't know whether to feel thankful or afraid for what the real summer holds...

In honor of the balmy weather, Bryan took Simon on an overnight camping trip with Uncle Dwight and cousin Cody. It's a dude's getaway with fishing and campfires, mud and junk food. Probably a ride on some ATVs too. I like it when Bryan spends one-on-one time with our kids...I think it is very special and I'm almost always up for sending one of them off. The happy flip side is that I end up doing what I can to get a date night with whichever older kid is left behind. (Josie hasn't quite hit the age to enjoy a night on the town. But her day is coming!)

Last time Bryan went out of town with one of the kids, it was Ella who got to go and Simon and I watched the latest Chipmunk movie and went to Burger King (his pick.) We played on the indoor playground and he was so TALKATIVE! I really enjoyed that time together and so did he...he has requested multiple times since that we go out again. But when he heard I was taking Ella out on a date while he was away, he decided that was "weird." I guess moms are only supposed to date the men in the family.

Tonight Ella and I splurged on the full date treatment! We started with a 3D movie (The Lorax) which she was over the moon about. And after, we indulged in the fast food delicacy that is Culvers. Ugh. It was amazing, delicious and disgusting in the most wonderful way. Ella got chicken tenders and french fries and especially enjoyed using the cool ketchup dispenser where you squirt your own dollop of ketchup into a serving sized container. (My kids don't partake of fast food much...these types of things are still magnificent to them.) I don't know what it is about chicken in a "tender" or "nugget" form, but that's all they ever request when we give them a vote. One of these days, I hope one of them requests seaweed salad. But I digress...

Ella upgraded her drink to a shake to which she added Twix bits AND peanut butter cup chunks. Wowza. But my meal took the prize...A cheeseburger called "The Single BUTTERBURGER" (so healthy!) and onion rings and I even drank a diet soda. And THEN...I got a custard concrete with Reese's peanut butter cups too! Gasp! It was an insane treat and we loved every minute of it. But we promised we'd exercise tomorrow.

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