Tuesday, July 27, 2010

the baby whisperer

On the way home from swim lesson, Ella was making Josie laugh by making silly sounds, like "EE! OOO! AH!" As we got further down the road, Ella started reading her book (she's reading Little House in the Big Woods right now) and Josie got fussy. Ella called out "GOO GOO! GA!" and Josie quieted down. Excitedly, Ella said, "Mom! Did you hear me talking to Josie? She was crying and I spoke to her in baby language and she understood! Know what I said?" Smiling, I replied, "No, Ella, what did you say?" "I said, 'No more crying in the car!' and she obeyed! Did you know I could do that kind of a trick?"

Pretty awesome skills!

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