Wednesday, July 21, 2010

joplin trip

For the past several years, Bryan has made a trip to Brighton, England for a conference in the month of July. Usually, we just stay home or have someone come visit to make the time pass more quickly, but this year, I decided to venture out. Our wonderful friends, Lane and Abby Clevenger from Joplin, MO have two kids (+1 on the way!) close in age to ours and our families get along really well. In fact, I refer to the Clevengers as the younger, hipper version of our family. Lane is a finance guy who works part time for the church and Abby is an artist (fashion and design). Their oldest, Isabelle, is a free-spirited, imaginative, feminine girl while Hudson is the boy-ist boy I've ever met. He likes to growl and play rough and tease the girls. I love the parallels between our families and cherish any time I can get with Abby. It's one of those easy friendships that has come so naturally, I truly consider her one of my closest friends. Anyway.....I took advantage of the free time and decided I would make an adventure for us and travel all by myself with the kids. It actually went rather smoothly!

The Clevengers are in the middle of renovating the house they just purchased so we ended up all staying at Lane's parents' place. They have lots of room and they were seriously the most hospitable people I have ever encountered. Lane's mom, Suzette, treated my kids like they were her own grandkids! In fact, both kids began referring to her as "grandma" and are still calling her that!

We spent lots of time swimming in their pool and Simon and Ella got much more confident in the water. We also celebrated the 4th there and Lane threw firecrackers at the kids (totally in the safest way, of course) which really freaked Ella out and she spent the rest of the visit trying to play pranks on Lane. Abby and Suzette planned a tea party with all kinds of treats and candy. Marshmallows were the favorite treat by far.

Our last night there, Suzette planned a craft night. Every night was a party for them...they stayed up later than they ever had before, ate more candy than they've ever eaten, and had such a great time. I know the memories are burned in their little brains. They seriously did not want to leave. It's so nice to have friends to visit!

water babies!
tea party!

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