Saturday, July 10, 2010

carpe diem (seize the day)

Today I realized that I'm really enjoying my 30s. I remember hearing women say that they were happier in their 30s more than when they were twenty-somethings and I always thought that seemed strange. But now I get it. I spent a lot of time in my 20s wishing for something different and being dissatisfied with myself. What a lot of wasted energy. In my 20s, I was pounds lighter but I never felt pretty enough. I have days now where I don't have time for a shower and I never felt more beautiful. (Well...that may be a slight exaggeration...I am more beautiful after a shower. :P) I know that physically, I haven't become more beautiful, but it's something that radiates from within. It's a sense of security, grounded-ness, and satisfaction. I'm learning to not be so hard on myself. That takes some learning for me...I find I hold myself to too high a standard sometimes. I don't want to waste any time wishing for what I don't have. There's too much good to enjoy today!

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