Friday, July 23, 2010

we love the library

My old library in Edina, MO
I spent most summers at my Grandma's house and, in a town of a thousand people, there's not a whole lot to pass the time. I would walk three or four blocks down Main Street to the little library with a carpet-covered, claw-foot tub in the children's section. I loved sitting in that tub with a pile of books. I wonder how many hours I accrued at that place? A bunch.

Introducing my kids to the library has been one of many small joys. The kids get so excited to go and pick out as many books as we can carry and we get to enjoy the glossy pages of books we could never afford to buy. Reading together makes the idea of bedtime less disastrous for the kids and I love the time where they are still and quiet next to me. Time just seems to slow down.

My kids local library...slightly more impressive.
Photo credit to:
We joined the summer reading program at our local library late this summer. It was kind of funny when the lady told me the goal was to read 15 books. (Ella reads that much in a day, easily.) So I signed up all three kids. We met the goal by the following week and went back to return our books and claim our prizes. I had no idea what loot they would get! (When I was a kid, it was a certificate for a personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.) My kids each got to pick out a free book and two small prizes, plus they received free tickets to the Magic House. Then, we put our names in a lottery drawing for a Nintendo Wii and other cool stuff we'd never buy ourselves. I got a call yesterday letting me know that both Simon and Ella won tickets to a Cardinals game. Seriously? Do kids really need that much incentive to read a book? Whatever. We're not complaining. Thank you Public Library! We adore you!


Sara said...

Allison won tickets too. I signed myself too and now have about 2 weeks to finish 3 books. Ahh, the challenge.

Tina Cheng said...

Hi! I loved reading through your blog. I gave up on mine almost a year ago, but maybe I'll start again, maybe :) I can relate to a lot of your posts (especially the difficulties with Ella & being in your 30's). And we did the library thing too. Which night are you guys going to the Magic House?
Thanks for the blog!

Rachel Mowrey said...

Sara, I wondered if they had a ton of tickets to give away...I thought it was pretty crazy that both my kids got their name drawn. I wished I had signed myself up but I just don't seem to read much these days since I'm hooked on blog reading. Bah.

Tina, thanks for reading! I never know who peeks in on this's mainly for posterity sake, but I always get a kick out of it when somebody finds our little lives interesting. :D

Not sure about when we'll do the Magic House yet...when are you guys thinking?

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